By Spindle

“I love to dance – my songs all have a dancey side to them and I see it as a statement of freedom, fun and joy.”

A nocturnal composer, Owlle’s electro-pop is wrapped with a sense of unassuming darkness and freedom. “There is something mystical and terribly quiet at night. My feelings are more intense!” She has named her debut album after her first name and also native country, France, which she releases in the UK today.

A sudden urge to leave southern France, the discovery of Brian Eno – especially the installation “Quiet Club” – and her move to Paris began her dream to make music. A self-taught musician with no classical training, Owlle found endless possibilities in machines to find her sound to tell the stories of people, their experiences and imaginary landscapes, told in English as opposed to French.

When I write in English, I feel free. I find it easier to express emotions concisely in English, the fact it’s a foreign language to me actually helps taking down a few barriers I would impose to myself in french, out of  modesty perhaps, also French is such a literary language it is not –to me- the most natural language of Pop .I don’t rule out writing in French at some point but it didn’t come naturally yet. But perhaps more importantly most of my influences are English or American.”

“I’d been willing to illustrate that song with a video for quite a while but didn’t have a definite idea about what it should be, there were budget issues too…so for a while the project went quiet and was somehow abandoned. But last summer, I was in Los Angeles on holiday, with no particular plans except recharging batteries after an intense two years of writing, touring, doing promotion… As I discovered the city day after day, the video for Creed came to mind again.  It struck me that LA – its vibe, its craziness, its people – would be perfect for a video. The song is about having a creed; a strong belief in something, whatever it is. Marie Vic, who is a director but also a friend, told me she would be in town for a week–end and said she’d love to shoot something so that kicked everything off!

Through friends, I had met Nicolette who incarnates Permaid – the black leather mermaid – and I was impressed by this character she’d put together. I’d found my star !  She and her partner photographer Aeschleah got on board immediately although I still had no definite idea or script for the video…everything happened like that, in a few days, with no money, out of pure energy, lucky encounters and general will to have fun ! This commando – DIY video shoot we improvised was an incredible moment of fun ! I hope it does show when you watch it !”

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