Billboard: Run-DMC’s Darryl McDaniels Says Sarah McLachlan’s ‘Angel’ Saved His Life

by Colin Stutz In his life, Run-DMC’s Darryl “DMC” McDaniels was touched by an angel. Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel,” to be exact. In his new memoir, Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide, McDaniels explains a period of his life when he was battling depression and how that hit ’90s ballad — which he first heard during […]
Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, author of Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide @ Madison Library – Downtown Branch

A Room of One’s Own and the WI Book Festival are delighted to welcome Darryl “DMC” McDaniels for a reading from his inspiring new memoir, Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide! This event will be held at Madison Central Library on the 3rd floor. Please note, the book description below and presentation discuss depression and […]
Guardian: DMC from Run-DMC: ‘I snorted and guzzled through almost every day’

Music is a cutthroat, disrespectful, low-life, motherfucking, crab-ass, lyin’, deceivin’, stab-you-in-the-back type of business, and that’s just the good part of it!” Darryl “DMC” McDaniels laughs (perhaps channeling Hunter S Thompson’s famous line about the record business). We’re discussing the Devastating Mic Controller’s autobiography Ten Ways Not to Kill Yourself, which he has also forcefully […]
Huffington Post: Run-DMC Member Opens Up About His Battle With Mental Illness

Brennan Williams Pop Culture Editor, The Huffington Post Photo Credit:JONATHAN MANNION Darryl “DMC” McDaniels is back with a new memoir, Ten Ways Not to Commit Suicide, which delves into a seemingly unlikely topic: mental health issues. But for the Run DMC co-founder, it’s a topic he knows all too well. The book, which picks up […]
Ebony Magazine: [Black Mental Health Awareness Month] Darryl McDaniels Talks Suicide

BY TERRENCE CHAPPELL Hip-hop didn’t save Darryl “D.M.C.”’ McDaniels’ life; it damn near killed him. On stage, Darryl McDaniels of the hip-hop trailblazing trio Run-DMC, had an energy and confidence that defied gravity. Draped in gold chains with a fresh pair of white untied Adidas, DMC’s lyrics led a generation into hip-hop, a budding music […]
GOOD DAY NY: ‘Ten Ways To Commit Suicide’

[av_one_full first] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Rap legend Darryl McDaniels talks about his battle with depression in his new memoir, ‘Ten Ways To Commit Suicide.’t [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full][av_one_full first] [av_codeblock wrapper_element=” wrapper_element_attributes=”] [/av_codeblock] [/av_one_full]
People: How Confronting Addiction and Depression and Finding His Birth Mom Saved Run-DMC’s Darryl McDaniels from Committing Suicide

BY JEFF NELSON Photo Credit:SPENCER HEYFRON Most know Darryl “DMC” McDaniels for his sick rhymes, hip-hop legacy in groundbreaking group Run-DMC and placement in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – but his rock star life was riddled with demons. Growing Pains: A Tough Transition to Stardom Growing up in a middle-class family in […]
12 things to know about Danny Aiello: Hustler to Lorenzo’s headliner

By Rob Bailey | STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Danny Aiello has a 320-page memoir out with an epic title: “I Only Know Who I am When I am Somebody Else: My Life on the Street, On the Stage, and in the Movies”(Gallery Books). Lotta words for a lotta life. Thought you already knew this […]
Poetry SLAM! with Darryl McDaniels of Run DMC

Wayne Public Library Releases Calendar of Young Adult Activities for April Rockette Experience; Chess; Poetry SLAM!; Money Smart Young Adults; CommuniTeens Meeting. By NATALIE MIELES (Patch Staff) Event Date: 4/18/2015 Event Time: 2 – approximately 4 p.m. In celebration of National Poetry Month, middle & high school students will recite their own original work of […]
Actor Danny Aiello at Maplewood’s Words Bookstore March 19

BY: VILLAGEGREENNJ The beloved, Oscar-nominated actor Danny Aiello will be at Words Bookstore in Maplewood on Thursday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m., signing copies of his memoir, “I Only Know Who I Am When I Am Somebody Else.” Aiello’s “big-hearted memoir reveals a man of passion, integrity, and guts–and lays bare one of the most […]
News Closeup: Danny Aiello’s favorite role ever

News Closeup: PIX11 gets to know Danny Aiello

News Closeup: iconic New Yorker Danny Aiello discusses his upcoming book

Hamill: Danny Aiello tells it like it is in memoir ‘I Only Know Who I Am When I Am Somebody Else’

By DENIS HAMILL Danny Aiello’s memoir details his life on the street in Manhattan and the Bronx and on the stage at the Improv. The Oscar-nominated actor also mentions his work with legendary directors, which never included Martin Scorsese. Danny Aiello’s memories race across the pages of his new book like the cops are in […]