Written By:Scott Mehno
The last few years I’ve had the honor and pleasure of working with singer/songwriter Rebecca Pidgeon. She wrote a song with producer Larry Klein called “Disintegration Man,” for her upcoming album Slingshot, and the second I heard it — I told her it was what John Lennon used to call a “Who Is It song.”
Rebecca recently met up with a couple of Kansas filmmakers when she played Farm Aid, and they were so inspired by the mystery of “Disintegration Man,” — and how it also summed up our current state of absolute confusion — “how we have to stop looking for a ‘superman’ to solve our problems, and get on with it” as Rebecca says — they made a wondrous video — located below — that says to heck with left and right Alpha-persuaders. So take your eyebars off — click play for “Disintegration Man” and enjoy a song/video that ‘Occupies’ the topical zeitgeist like no other.
Who is it…who is it…who is it…
Article Source:HuffingtonPost.com